Margaret Cain from the Fauquier Campus and Sydney Patton from the Middletown Campus went The River 95.3’s radio show, The Valley Today to share their experiences.
Deb Taylor, director of Corporate Training for Workforce Solutions, went on The River 95.3’s radio show, The Valley Today, to showcase Corporate Training’s efforts and how they help advance careers.
Laurel Ridge Art Professor and Program Lead Monica James discusses art programs offered at Laurel Ridge, along with a glimpse into some upcoming art-related events scheduled for the coming weeks.
The River 95.3’s radio show, The Valley Today, and highlights several upcoming certificate programs that will be offered at Laurel Ridge Community College starting Fall 2024.
A recent episode of The River 95.3’s radio show, The Valley Today, featured Sharon Hetland, director of Adult Education at Laurel Ridge, and guests from the Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center (NRADC).
Samantha Brill, a program manager at Laurel Ridge Workforce Solutions, and Raphael Caballero, an IT instructor, recently appeared on The River’s 95.3’s radio show, The Valley Today to discuss the high demand for data center technicians.
Laurel Ridge Community College employees discuss the grand opening of the Skilled Trades Center at our Fauquier Campus and what that means for trades education in the region.
Paul Cissel, program director for EMS Education and Dr. Craig Santicola, dean of professional programs appeared on The River 95.3’s radio show to talk about the EMS program at Laurel Ridge.
Jodi Navin, a corporate training instructional designer appeared on The River 95.3’s radio show to discuss Laurel Ridge Community College Workforce Solutions’ Workplace Wellness series.