Campus Police Reports and Statistics

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Annual Security Report and Crime Statistics

The college is required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Act”) to disclose campus security policy and crime statistics annually.  This report is prepared by the Campus Police Department to remain in compliance with the act. The statistics in this report are acquired from police incident reports, the Office of Student Success and with the cooperation of local law enforcement agencies surrounding all locations.  These are statistics of all Clery reportable crimes, but don’t reveal the identity of victims/witnesses making confidential reports.  This report contains policies, procedures and programs relating to crime prevention along with crime statistics collected during the 2020 calendar year.

A copy of this report can be found at the campus police desks on either the Middletown or Fauquier campus and with the Luray Page/County Center Manager.  Employees can also receive a copy from Human Resources in room 600 at the Middletown Campus.  Students and employees are notified of the report via email, message boards and the college website.  The website to access Clery reportable crimes for Laurel Ridge is

Archived Annual Security Reports

Daily Crime Log

The college is required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Act”) to disclose campus security policy and crime reports.

This Daily Crime Log is prepared by the Campus Police Department to remain in compliance with the Act.