Find the support you need, when you need it!
Each student experience is unique and Laurel Ridge employees are eager to help you throughout your academic journey. Whether you are a new student not sure where to start or a current student with questions about Financial Aid, our Help Hub is a great place to get connected.
Support and Resources by Department
Not Sure Where to Start?
Enrollment Services will help connect you. You can visit in person at the Campus closest to you or reach out by phone, email, or chat. Our offices are staffed Monday through Thursday 8am-7pm and Fridays 8am-4pm. After hours? Ask Leo the chatbot!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I am having trouble logging into My Laurel Ridge?
Check out this step by step guide or call 540-868-7223 for assistance. Please see FAQ “How do I reset my Password?” for additional guidance.
What classes do you have this semester?
Please visit our online class search to view our credit classes. Or, you can view information about all our available degrees, programs, and credentials on our program pathways page.
What programs does Laurel Ridge offer?
Laurel Ridge offers many programs, including degrees, certificates, career studies certificates, and more! For a detailed listing of our programs, please visit our Program Pathways webpage. At the bottom of every program page is a contact request form in case you’d like to get connected to someone on our team to talk more!
How do I schedule a meeting with my New Student Coach or my Advisor?
You can schedule an appointment with your New Student Coach or Advisor through MyLaurelRidge > Navigate Student. Navigate Student will show you your Coach or Advisor’s availability, whether in person or remotely. Appointments are offered Monday-Friday, with occasional openings until 7pm.
What are the college’s hours of operation?
The college’s locations and hours are posted to this page of the website: Locations and Hours
Our typical open hours may be impacted by holidays or weather. Please call us at 540-868-7110 or request a live chat if you have a question about changes in our hours.
How do I reset my Password?
If you are unable to login, first try to change your password by visiting MyLaurelRidge and selecting the link ‘Reset your password’. You will be asked a few questions to identify yourself and must enter your information exactly as it was entered on your application for admission. After changing your password, it could take 5-10 minutes for your new password to take full effect. If you still have trouble logging in, please contact Enrollment Services by calling 540-868-7110.
What is my Student ID number?
To find your Student ID (EmplID), log into your MyLaurelRidge account and select SIS. You will be able to see your Student ID (EmplID) listed on the face of the Profile icon. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Enrollment Services at 540-868-7110.
How do I add a class?
Some types of students cannot enroll themselves into classes – these include visiting students, dual enrolled students, and senior citizens auditing classes. Workforce students enroll in classes by logging in to our Workforce site. Current credit students working towards a degree or certificate can enroll themselves through SIS. Follow these steps: Login to MyLaurelRidge, tap SIS, tap Class Enrollment, and from the menu on the left choose Class Search & Enroll. If you run into any issues, please consult with your academic advisor or email [email protected]. If you would like help with class selection, please contact your advisor.
When is the enrollment period?
Laurel Ridge offers classes in 14 week, 12 week, 7 week, and 5 week formats, so you will never have to wait long to get started. Please reference the Academic Calendar for deadline dates. For additional questions, new students should reach out to their New Student Coach, and current students should reach out to their advisor.
How much is tuition?
The amount a student owes for credit classes depends on what tuition rate they are being charged and how many credits they are taking. The rates are the same for fall, spring, and summer semester courses. At the discretion of the State Board for Community Colleges, tuition rates are subject to change. Updated tuition rates are available on our website. Some classes have additional course fees or require students to purchase textbooks or other materials.
Other Resources