Dear Community Member,
If you have a concern about something you’ve observed or heard that may give you concern about a student, impact the safety of our environment or disrupt the delivery of our educational process, we encourage you to fill out the See Something, Say Something report form.
After receiving the report, a group of dedicated professionals from across our campuses will review the information and determine what course of action may be appropriate.
If you have an immediate emergency, such as: A suicide threat, homicidal or threatening behavior, self-injury needing immediate medical attention, severe impairment due to drugs or alcohol, highly erratic or unusual behavior that indicates very unpredictable behavior and/or an inability to care for themselves
Dial 911 AND contact Campus Police:
- 540-868-SAFE (7233) at the Middletown Campus and Luray-Page County Center
- 540-351-1555 at the Fauquier Campus and Vint Hill Site