Plumbing Level 2
Tuesday, August 5 @ 5:00 PM - Tuesday, January 20 @ 8:00 PM
This class serves as the second level of training in the Plumbing craft. Structured as a hybrid class, a combination of on-line training and live classroom/lab training, students learn the following content: Plumbing Math Two; Reading Commercial Drawings; Hangers, Supports, Structural Penetrations, and Fire Stopping; Installing and Testing DWV Piping; Installing Roof, Floor, and Area Drains; Types of Valves; Installing Roof, Floor, and Area Drains; Types of Valves; Installing and Testing Water Supply Piping; Installing Fixtures, Valves, and Faucets; Introduction to Electricity; Installing Water Heaters; Fuel Gas Systems; Servicing of Fixtures, Valves, and Faucets. Textbook, Online Access Code, and lab materials included. Current plumbing code book is required. Class schedule provided the first night of class.