Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society – Alpha Psi Iota Chapter
Phi Theta Kappa is the only national honor society for students of community, technical and junior colleges. Students pursuing an associate’s degree, having a 3.5 grade point average and having taken at least 12 hours are eligible. The Alpha Psi Iota chapter annually participates in the Angel Tree Project which supports community children, hosts holiday and spring gift & craft fairs, campus clean-ups, and much more…
President: Mikayla Roberts
Regional President: Spencer Lombardo
Chapter President
- Prepare meeting agendas and lead meetings
- Appoint and establish necessary committees
- Vote only in the case of a tie
- Develop goals for the chapter with help from other officers and advisors
- Oversee chapter projects
- Oversee award entry preparation
- Provide regular updates to the chapter advisor(s)
Vice-President of Scholarship
- Encourage academic excellence
- Oversee all Honors in Action projects
- Coordinate the chapter’s participation in the Honors Case Study Challenge
- Coordinate the preparation of the chapter’s Honors in Action Awards entries
- Educate chapter members about PTK Connect
Vice President of Leadership
- Direct the chapter in the use of parliamentary procedure for meetings
- Oversee the leadership components of the chapter’s Honors in Action project
- Assist the Vice-President of Scholarship in preparation of the chapter’s Honors in Action Awards entries
- Promote member participation in Five Star Competitive Edge
Vice President of Service
- Oversee the service components of the chapter’s Honors in Action project
- Coordinate and report the chapter’s participation in Relay For Life
Vice President of Fellowship
- Encourage scholarly fellowship at all levels of the society
- Implement strategies to increase membership
- Coordinate the chapter’s Enhanced Membership Program
- Coordinate the chapter’s C4 (Community College Completion Corps) events
Public Relations Officer
- Promote Phi Theta Kappa at all levels of the organization
- Write and submit articles to the campus and community media outlets
- Oversee and maintain the chapter’s website, social media, email and/or newsletter communications
- Take pictures at all chapter events
- Share significant chapter news and events with Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters at [email protected]
Faculty Advisors: Lisa Dunick, [email protected], Tarren Smarr, [email protected]
Fall 2021 Virtual Induction
Our Fall 2021 Induction Ceremony was held on Thursday, October 7 @ 7:00pm.
Access the ceremony program here.
Our Spring 2021 Induction Ceremony was held Wednesday, March 3 @ 7:00pm.
Access the ceremony program here.
Our first virtual ceremony! Our Fall 2020 Induction Ceremony was held Wednesday, October 28 @ 7:00pm.
Access the ceremony program here.