Paper Review Services
Campus English/Writing Tutors can review your paper before meeting in-person or via Zoom to discuss their recommendations for improving your writing.
To request a Paper Review with a Campus Tutor, please follow these steps:
- Submit your paper using the Paper Review Request Form.
- Schedule your Paper Review appointment in Navigate.
When scheduling your appointment, please allow adequate time for the Tutor to review your paper! Based on availability your paper may be reassigned to another Tutor.
If you submit the Paper Review request form but fail to schedule a follow-up Paper Review appointment, your paper will not be reviewed.
Paper Review is also available through Brainfuse!
To request a Paper Review from the Brainfuse Writing Lab, please follow these steps:
- Log into MyLaurelRidge and click on the Brainfuse logo.
- Follow these detailed instructions: Submitting a Paper to the BrainFuse Writing Lab
- Students are eligible for two (2) Brainfuse Paper Reviews per month.