Robin Farmer
Monday, February 8, 2021 @ 9:30am-10:30am
Robin Farmer is the author of the acclaimed young adult novel Malcolm and Me which has been described as “a celebratory coming-of-age novel with a thoughtful, resilient heroine” (Kirkus Reviews). She is a national award-winning journalist, freelance writing, and speaker.
During her program, Robin will read a short piece of her writing and speak for about 20 minutes, closing with a Q&A session.
All students, staff and faculty are encouraged and welcome to join the first in our Author Talk series.

Ran Walker
Monday, March 1, 2021 @ 9:30am-10:30am
Ran Walker is an educator and published author of twenty-three books, including short stories, flash fiction, microfiction, and poetry. He is the winner of the Indie Author Project’s 2019 National Indie Author of the Year Award, the 2019 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Best Fiction Ebook Award, and the 2018 Virginia Indie Author Project Awards for Adult Fiction.
During his program, Ran will talk about publishing and writing his works as well as the process. The program will close with a brief Q&A session.

Karen Chase
Monday, March 15, 2021 @ 9:30am-10:30am
Karen Chase is an independent, award-winning author and photographer, and a Daughter of the American Revolution with the Commonwealth Chapter in Virginia. She has a love for travelling, and, as a child, traveled through the United States in an R.V. with her family. Those journeys instilled a lifelong love of history, travel and learning which she now shares through her writing.
Her program will look at historical research beyond the archives, including: 1) Practical tools for discovering sensory details for characters, places, and historical events, 2) Preparing and budgeting to travel for research, and 3) Best practices for working with historic locations, reenactors, historians, and enthusiasts.
Wrap up our Spring Author Series with Karen Chase!
Author Talk event recordings
Robin Farmer
Recording available upon request. Email [email protected].