A successful job search will incorporate many ways of looking for, or creating, an open position. Talk with people you know, send letters, make phone calls, answer ads, use an employment agency, and work the internet to search job boards and employer websites. Keep in mind that companies will advertise in various ways.
- Consumers Advocate The pros and cons of job search sites: variety of website features, overall customer experience, & customizable notifications
- Job Search 101 Tutorial
- Guide to Job Seeking and Career Changing and the Official site of the book ‘What Color is your Parachute?”
- Glassdoor Provides employer research and salary information
- Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Hired in Healthcare
Job Boards
- Emsi Career Coach
- Career Builder
- Virginia Employment Commission
- Simply Hired – Search jobs from company sites, job boards and the web
- Indeed – Professionals job board
- Monster – Job Board and Career Tools
- Health Job USA – Healthcare industry search jobs.
- Shenandoah Valley Help Wanted – Regional Jobs to Shenandoah Valley
- Valley Health Systems
- Virginia State Government Jobs
- www.usajobs.gov Federal Government jobs
- winchester.craigslist.org/jjj Craigslist employment, temporary gigs, volunteer
- http://www.ofertia.com/empleos-sostenibles/jobs; Sustainable Jobs: the new job platform with hundreds of opportunities for internships or full time positions for students and young professionals.
- https://www.linkedin.com/job/home a new approach to the job hunt focusing on using your contacts to get a referral to jobs you apply for.
- Adzuna a job search engine sourcing 4+ million jobs from hundreds of sites and providing statistics for job-seeking students
- ZipRecruiter Home Page to Search Jobs
- LiveCareer Search Jobs, resume & cover letter assistance