FAHASS – Free HIV/HEP C Testing
Fauquier Campus: Wolk Hall, Room 210 VA, United StatesVisit the Wolk Hall Lobby and Room 210 to receive FREE HIV/HEP C Testing.
Visit the Wolk Hall Lobby and Room 210 to receive FREE HIV/HEP C Testing.
Come hang out with the Fab 4: Therapy Dogs as they walk around inside the Cornerstone Hall, SHP, and the SUB Lounge.
Join us to Learn Fun and Relaxing Yoga Poses You Can Practice from Your Seat! Participate in-person or online at: laurelridge.edu/yoga
Are You Ready for Adventure through the Land of Oz? Student Life is showing Wicked at both Middletown and Fauquier Campuses! This Event is open to all Students, Employees, and their families! Fauquier Campus: Hazel Hall - Barkman Conference Center, 2/20 from 6pm - 9pm Middletown Campus: Smith Hall - McCoy Theatre, 2/21 from 6pm...
Visit the Wolk Hall Loeb from 10am-4pm to Donate Blood for the American Red Cross!
Virginia Works and Laurel Ridge Community College are hosting a Virtual Job Fair! Register Online using the Flyer's QR Code.
Parked in the Hazel Hall Visitor's Parking every Tuesday from 11am-2pm!
Join The Dean and Student Life for Discussions, Deli, and Desserts! Middletown Campus: Cornerstone Hall - RM 402, 2/25 from 12pm - 1pm Fauquier Campus: Hazel Hall - Barkman Conference Center, 2/25 from 12pm - 1pm
Join Janet for Mindfulness Meditation for a weekly time to relax and recharge. Join in-person or on Zoom with this link: laurelridge.edu/meditation
Come join Student Life and the Art Department for a trip to Washington, D.C.! Plan to see different monuments and museums and enjoy a nice time around the city! MC Meetup: 7:30am and FC Meetup: 8:30am. Only $20 per Student.