Laurel Ridge Community College has the greatest percentage of students earning a college credential prior…
Laurel Ridge Community College was able to supply students with food boxes and gift cards…
Applications to Laurel Ridge Community College’s Future Educators Academy are open through Jan. 30. The…
Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Matt Lohr will be at Laurel Ridge Community College…
Laurel Ridge Community College’s Freshman Focus initiative demystifies the college application and enrollment process. It…
Laurel Ridge Community College alumna Tiffany Matthews is the college’s first social worker.
Laurel Ridge Community College is dedicated to helping students who are parents overcome their unique…
Real-life-spy-turned-spy-novelist Alma Katsu is coming to Laurel Ridge for a lunch and learn event Thursday,…
Laurel Ridge Community College has been ranked No. 1 in the Virginia Community College System…
Laurel Ridge Community College Adult Education and Workforce Solutions have been rolling out successful programs…
Laurel Ridge Community College is using Navigate360 to better serve students.
Laurel Ridge Community College employees and students have contributed to an art show, “Every Body…