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SGA Officers Meeting

The Student Government officers will meet once monthly to discuss upcoming events and activities with students, any feedback or concerns students have expressed, and to prepare for the upcoming open session. *SGA officers only*

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Student Ambassadors Meeting

Virtual: Online via Zoom VA, United States

The Student Ambassadors meet once to twice a month to catch up on events and activites, for special guest speakers and leadership training, and more... Here is the full schedule of Ambassador meetings. *Most meetings are Student Ambassador-focused, however, if we have a guest speaker or leadership training, those sessions will be open to all...

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Smash Bros Esports Tournament

Middletown Campus: L.E.O.'s Esports Arena

Play against others for a chance to be Ultimate Smash Bros champ at this month's tournament! Register now!

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DEI Council Meeting

Virtual: Online via Zoom VA, United States

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council meets once monthly on the fourth Friday from 9-10am via Zoom. The Zoom link is shared with students, staff, and faculty prior to the meeting.

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