Corporate Training

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Laurel Ridge Community College Workforce Solutions is at the forefront of education innovation. Our corporate training solutions offer training programs and cohorts, apprenticeship and certification programs, and consulting and assessment services utilizing leading-edge technology, curriculum, philosophies, and methodology to help area businesses thrive.

Here are a few of our programs and services available:

Real-world Experience

Our professional instructors and product developers bring extensive experience to their work. Many have had successful careers in both the public and private sectors and come to Laurel Ridge to share their skills and knowledge.


Your workforce is made up of people. Our people work with yours to encourage and inspire accomplishment and success, one employee, at a time. We also bring our knowledge of the adult learner and work closely with you to custom-tailor solutions around your employees’ needs.

Affordable, Sustainable Solutions

We don’t see training as an end in itself. We know your interests are to produce highly skilled workers for today–and tomorrow. We develop close relationships with you and the results are lasting and positive for your company and your employees.

Budget Planning and Corporate Consultation

Budget planning for professional development can be challenging, especially in today’s economic environment. Our team will work closely with you in developing your training budget as well as partner with you in understanding your business need

Flexible, Imaginative Delivery

Wherever you need training, we’ll be there. We can deliver training at your workplace or ours.

Want to learn more about how we can help your business thrive? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!