Due to inclement weather, all Laurel Ridge locations will close at 10 a.m., Saturday, February 13, 2021

Home » Emergency Alerts » Due to inclement weather, all Laurel Ridge locations will close at 10 a.m., Saturday, February 13, 2021

Alert Posted On:
February 13, 2021

Due to inclement weather, all Laurel Ridge locations will close at 10 a.m., Saturday, February 13, 2021

In-person classes will not meet on campus after 10 a.m. For your safety, no students can visit the campus facilities or use WIFI in the parking lots during this time.

Credit Classes: In-person courses and labs will not take place on campus, but these may be scheduled virtually. Please visit your course on Canvas for additional information.

Workforce Solutions/ Non-Credit Classes: In-person classes will not meet on campus after 10 a.m. This includes classes at Middletown, Fauquier, Luray, and Vint Hill. Please monitor possible communication (email, text and/or phone calls) from your instructor for further information regarding your class.

Need more help? Students who need additional help can connect with us through our Laurel Ridge Chat app on this website, or can visit our student services page. Please visit https://laurelridge.edu/currentstudents/services-for-students/

In the case of inclement weather – regardless of the emergency closing announcement – all students and employees should use good judgment as to whether or not it is safe to travel.

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