Tutoring by Appointment

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Students are strongly encouraged to make appointments with campus tutors.

Answers to quick questions or help with scheduling appointments is available by visiting the campus or dropping into the “Laurel Ridge Zoom Tutoring Room”.

To make an appointment for tutoring: 

  1. Log into MyLaurel Ridge
  2. Open “Navigate Student” 
  3. Click “Appointments” from the left hand navigation
  4. Click “Schedule Appointment” 
  5. Under “New Appointment –  “What can we help you find?”, choose “Course Tutoring and Academic Success Coaching” from the type of appointment drop-down
  6. Choose the subject you would like assistance with from the “Service” drop-down
  7. Select “Find Available Time” 
  8. From here you may select an available time, or further filter results by selecting a specific Staff (tutor) and/or Location, or changing the calendar date.  
  9. Review the appointment details and add comments about the problem you are having or the assignment you would like to discuss.
  10. Click “Schedule”
  11. You and your tutor will receive an email reminder about your scheduled appointment.  

If you have difficulty scheduling your appointment, please contact [email protected]