The college supports the rights of students to bring forth complaints, and is committed to resolving these matters in a fair and timely manner. This policy applies to all enrolled students in matters relating to other students, faculty, administrators and staff at all college locations.
Students dissatisfied with a grade should follow procedures outlined in the grade appeal policy located in the college catalog. Concerns regarding discipline or sexual harassment should be reported as described in the College Catalog and student handbook. A student who has a concern about a staff member or college department is encouraged to attempt to resolve the complaint in an informal manner. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached informally, the student may appeal in writing by submitting a formal complaint form.
Formal Complaint
The student must complete and submit a complaint form within 10 business days of his/her initial attempt to resolve the matter informally. The college will not entertain complaints that are submitted anonymously, via email, or facsimile transmission, or are submitted on behalf of someone else.
- Formal complaints will be logged and forwarded to the appropriate administrator for further action.
- Upon receiving a formal complaint form, the appropriate administrator will arrange a conference with the student to discuss the issue within 10 business days. After the conference, the administrator will render his/her decision, in writing, to the student and the college employee involved.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached as a result of the conference, the student may appeal within five business days to the provost or vice president, who will review the complaint form and any supporting documentation and render a decision, in writing, within five business days. The decision of the provost or vice president shall be final.
- All formal complaint documentation is housed in the Office of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.