Governor’s Scholars
- Earn college credits through Early College (Dual Enrollment) and AP/IB.
- Obtain the Uniform Certificate of General Studies or an associates degree at the time of high school graduation.
- Presented with a medallion from the Governor’s Office.
Medallion Recipient
- Earn college credits through Dual Enrollment and AP/IB.
- Obtain a credential (other than the Certificate in General Education or an associates degree) at the time of high school graduation.
- Receive a medallion from the governor’s office.
DISCLAIMER: Students who complete a certificate or degree at Laurel Ridge Community College and then plan to attend a four-year school after high school graduation will enter a four-year school as a competitive freshman. Students must discuss with a four-year school how the credits they earned at Laurel Ridge Community College will transfer to their institution. In the spring of 2012, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation (HB 1184) that requires local school boards to implement: An agreement for postsecondary degree attainment with a community college in the Commonwealth specifying the options for students to complete an associate’s degree or a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies from a community college concurrent with a high school diploma. Such agreement shall specify the credit available for Dual Enrollment courses and Advanced Placement courses with qualifying exam scores of three or higher. A plan to notify students and their parents of the availability of Dual Enrollment and advanced placement classes, the International Baccalaureate Program, and Academic Year Governor’s School Programs, the qualifications for enrolling in such classes and programs, and the availability of financial assistance to low-income and needy students to take the advanced placement and International Baccalaureate examinations. This plan shall include notification to students and parents of the agreement with a community college in the Commonwealth to enable students to complete an associate’s degree or a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies concurrent with a high school diploma. Additionally, the legislation requires that: Each institution within the Virginia Community College System shall develop agreements for postsecondary degree attainment with the public high schools in the school divisions that they serve, specifying the options for students to complete an associate’s degree or a one-year Uniform Certificate of General Studies concurrent with a high school diploma. Such agreements shall specify the credit available for Dual Enrollment courses and Advanced Placement courses with qualifying exam scores or three or higher. Agreements shall be submitted by the institutions to the Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System and the Superintendent of Public Instruction by April 15, 2013.