Laurel Ridge Community College is a community in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, thought, and expression are respected and sustained.
Laurel Ridge is committed to supporting the exercise of constitutionally protected expression in college-controlled facilities and property while maintaining a safe atmosphere free from disruption. Protected expression are speech-related activities which could include meetings, speeches, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, distribution of literature, and any other activity protected by the First Amendment.
The College has established requirements for use of its facilities and property in order to focus on its mission, ensure the continuity of College operations and to provide a safe environment for students, employees, and visitors. When assessing a request to use campus facilities, the College will not under any circumstances consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression.
Spontaneous Expressive Activities
There are generally two types of expressive activity: spontaneous and planned. Spontaneous expressive activity is activity where the College has not been provided at least 24 hours notice (this notice must be provided during normal College working hours to start the 24 hour timeframe). Spontaneous expressive activity is permitted outside of College buildings as long as they don’t block access to campus buildings, obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events, substantially disrupt college operations, constitute unlawful activity, or create a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s police department.
Planned Expressive Activities-Visitors To Campus
Planned expressive activity is where the College has been provided 24 hours notice. For campus visitors (meaning they are not a student, a student organization, or hosted by a college department), planned expressive activities is permitted outside of College buildings as long as they don’t block access to campus buildings, obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events, substantially disrupt college operations, constitute unlawful activity, or create a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s police department.
Planned Expressive Activities-Internal Events
For students, student organizations, and college departments wishing to hold a planned expressive activity, classrooms, theatres, conference rooms, and other similar spaces are available for planned expressive activity as long as they aren’t already scheduled for a College events such as meetings, classes, etc. In addition, the College reserves the right to deny a request if the activity will attract a crowd larger than the space can safely contain, if the activity will substantially disrupt another event being held in a neighboring space, if the activity will substantially disrupt college operations, if the activity is a clear and present threat to public safety, as determined by the College Police Department, or if the activity is unlawful. Special consideration must also be made at certain times of the academic calendar like final exam weeks each semester. Students and student organizations should coordinate their requests through their campus student activities coordinator. College departments should use the room reservation process available on the College website to reserve spaces for planned expressive activities.
Report an Incident
You may report an incident of disruption of constitutionally protected speech (including, but not limited to distribution of literature or public speaking under the College’s Use of University Facilities or Property, and Limits on Direct Solicitation and Advertising Policy) by filling out the below form: