Become a SOCK STAR!

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Laurel Ridge Employees and Retirees:
Become a SOCK STAR!

argyle pattern
Laurel Ridge socks image

You and Laurel Ridge make the perfect pair!

Put some SPRING IN YOUR STEP with colorful Laurel Ridge socks, featuring the bright green laurel leaf!

Donate $25 or more to the Laurel Ridge Educational Foundation and you can rock these custom socks, knowing you’ve invested in the future of the college and its students. The Foundation offers many funds to support, from scholarships to emergency funds for students and employees, to our Food Pantry Fund. You can designate your gift however you wish!

Generosity looks good on you! Give today and become a #LaurelRidgeSockstar!

Sock Star Giving Options

Laurel Ridge Employee Payroll Giving

Direct Donation