Blood Drive
Fauquier Campus: Hazel Hall, Barkman Conference Center VA, United StatesJanuary is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!
January is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!
Visit the Wolk Hall Lobby and Room 210 to receive FREE HIV/HEP C Testing.
Get a detailed overview and learn the expectations of Laurel Ridge’s dual-enrollment program during an online information session starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22 via Zoom. You'll learn...
The BOND Club meets every Thursday from 10-11am in Cornerstone Hall, Room 607 & via Zoom.
Visit the SUB Lounge and Room 120 for FREE HIV/STI Testing on 1/23 and 3/27 Visit Cornerstone Lobby and the Byrd Boardroom for FREE HIV/STI Testing on 2/18 and 4/15
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council meets once monthly on the fourth Friday from 9-10am via Zoom. The Zoom link is shared with students, staff, and faculty prior to the...
The Student Ambassadors meet once to twice a month to catch up on events and activites, for special guest speakers and leadership training, and more... Here is the full schedule...
Come Enjoy a Relaxing Event of Creative Painting and Exquisite Non-Alcoholic Drinks! Visit Middletown Campus for All Dates including April 21st! Visit Fauquier Campus for the final event on April...
Creative Writing Club is a group of writers, story tellers, and novelists can meet to discuss exciting and expressive ways to advance their writing. Join them for their first meeting!
January is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!