Blood Drive
Fauquier Campus: Hazel Hall, Barkman Conference Center VA, United StatesJanuary is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!
January is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!
Visit the Wolk Hall Lobby and Room 210 to receive FREE HIV/HEP C Testing.
Get a detailed overview and learn the expectations of Laurel Ridge’s dual-enrollment program during an online information session starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22 via Zoom. You'll learn...
The BOND Club meets every Thursday from 10-11am in Cornerstone Hall, Room 607 & via Zoom.
Visit the SUB Lounge and Room 120 for FREE HIV/STI Testing on 1/23 and 3/27 Visit Cornerstone Lobby and the Byrd Boardroom for FREE HIV/STI Testing on 2/18 and 4/15
The Middletown Math Club meets every Thursday from 1:30pm-3:30pm in Cornerstone, Room 304.
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council meets once monthly on the fourth Friday from 9-10am via Zoom. The Zoom link is shared with students, staff, and faculty prior to the...
The Student Ambassadors meet once to twice a month to catch up on events and activites, for special guest speakers and leadership training, and more... Here is the full schedule...
Come Enjoy a Relaxing Event of Creative Painting and Exquisite Non-Alcoholic Drinks! Visit Middletown Campus for All Dates including April 21st! Visit Fauquier Campus for the final event on April...
Creative Writing Club is a group of writers, story tellers, and novelists can meet to discuss exciting and expressive ways to advance their writing. Join them for their first meeting!