Alternative Spring Break
Off Campus VA, United StatesApply Now to Join Student Life for a trip to South Carolina to help build a house for a family in need. Lodging and most meals are included as well...
Apply Now to Join Student Life for a trip to South Carolina to help build a house for a family in need. Lodging and most meals are included as well...
Purchase your tickets now to see this AMAZING show! SYNOPSIS: A gripping reimagination of events the night before the assassination of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....
Join us to Learn Fun and Relaxing Yoga Poses You Can Practice from Your Seat! Participate in-person or online at:
LEO will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 1:30pm-2:30pm in LEO's Esports Arena in the Student Union Building.
The Dungeons & Dragons Club will meet weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-6pm in SUB 119 at the Middletown Campus.
The Cyber Club will meet every Tuesday from 4-6pm at the Middletown Campus in Cornerstone Hall, Room 306.
Our first mystery bus of the spring semester promises to be COOOLLL, you know, like snow... there's your hint! To sign up:
January is Blood Donor Month! Please consider giving blood at our on-campus drive. Sign up now!
Visit the Wolk Hall Lobby and Room 210 to receive FREE HIV/HEP C Testing.
Get a detailed overview and learn the expectations of Laurel Ridge’s dual-enrollment program during an online information session starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22 via Zoom. You'll learn...