Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) is the Leading International Honor Society for Technology. Epsilon Pi Tau recognizes academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions. Students having a 3.5 grade point average and having completed least 30 semester credits are eligible to join. Epsilon Pi Tau also extends the honor of membership and advancement activities to outstanding practitioners in the technology professions, scholars with exemplary research interests in technology in society and/or persons who have significantly supported or advanced technology professions.
Epsilon Pi Tau is a certified member of the Association of College Honor societies.
The Delta Phi Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau at Laurel Ridge strives to help each member:
• Reach for Excellence
• Career Advancement
• Enrich your Education
• Resume Building
• Perform Community Outreach
• Recognized for Achievements
• Build Professional Network
Leadership Opportunities: Employers look for signs of potential leadership characteristics during the interview process. Officer positions and the worthwhile projects carried out by the Delta Phi Chapter provide excellent opportunities for the acquisition of leadership experience and the satisfaction of accomplishment.
Benefits of joining: Two issues of the EPT newsletter The Preceptor, and two issues (in
one combined volume) of The Journal of Technology Studies (hard copy or online) annually. Members only access to the Epsilon Pi Tau web site, and eligibility to compete for the annual
Warner Awards.
Middletown Faculty Trustee: Darrell Andrews, [email protected]
Fauquier Faculty Co-Trustee: Dr. José Nieves, [email protected]
On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 8:00pm (ET), Delta Phi Chapter welcomed 14 new members from the disciplines of Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Information Systems Technology, and Engineering. This year ceremony will again be virtual due to COVID. This year though, our ceremony will be done jointly with (1) Berea College & Moorehead State University (Gamma Mu), (2) Jackson State university & Mississippi Valley State (Delta Beta), (3) American InterContinental University (Delta Delta), (4) Appalachian State University (Gamma Mu), (5) Texas Southern University (Gamma Pi). Below are a few photos and we hope to be able to host an in person ceremony in 2022. Thank you President Hunter Bowman for serving during this unique year.
Take a relaxing stroll around campus and see if you can tree donated by EPT 2020 inductees