SAT and ACT Exam Prep Part II
March 15, 2024 - December 31, 2025
College entrance exams play a key role in determining your college choice. Standardized tests are designed to test your knowledge in a very specific way. Understanding the ins and outs of the tests will allow you to achieve your best possible score. This course is designed to provide you with test taking strategies, an understanding of what kind of test taker you are, and practice for improving your Math scores on both the ACT and SAT tests. You will focus on basic Math, Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Statistics, and the SAT SPR questions. Our goal is to prepare you for specific question types on both exams. Additionally, this course will help you with your time management skills, focus on relieving any anxiety you may experience with test taking, teach you how the standardized tests are scored, and help you feel comfortable on test day. Working through this course will maximize your performance on all aspects of the Math questions on the ACT and SAT. Taken with Part 1, this course will prepare you to excel in all sections of the undergraduate college entrance exams and provide you with the means to achieve your best score! Details